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Feng Shui Your Home

Feng Shui Your Home

Feng Shui a Chinese term symbolizes a system of harmony surrounding an environment. It works through arranging buildings, objects, space and life in the achievement of harmony and balance. Your home is an extension of yourself as such reflects who you are. A calm, beautiful, and cultivated home reflects calm self. With Feng Shui, you attract more positive energy to your home. When working on your home, it is always advisable to start with the house basics then moving on to the complex levels. Feng Shui preferences vary among different people. Good Feng Shui begins with outside customizations then proceeding to in-house décor.

Your front door is the primary inlet for all people who visit the home as such should reflect positive Feng Shui. It should be clean and free of obstacles like shoes and packages. It should open with ease and have no squawking sounds. If your doorway does not reflect this, you should work on in to elicit warm feelings from visitors. You can do beautification projects on it by adding beautiful pieces of art, colored lights or carved ornaments. Add a welcome mat to the doorstep.

A clean kitchen aids in efficiency and promotes positive Feng Shui. Spaces and cracks in walls attract negative chi and dead energy. Clean out cabinets and drawers regularly. Arrange utensils in an orderly fashion and place them in accessible locations. Any space for Feng Shui adjustment you can add potted live plants, lighting or beautiful small statues. These can bring life to your kitchen and promote positive energy.

In your home, you should arrange furniture in a manner that prevents them from blocking entryways and movements in the house. Place couches in designated places and tables and seats in the best position for easy access.

Feng Shui restricts hanging art in straight lines as they create a poison arrow. They have sharp edges which shoot out aggressively which disrupts the space around. Arrange your art in a gallery to allow the natural flow of energy and soften the space around making it visually appealing. Feng Shui your home with positive colors.

Clean windows promote better Feng Shui. You should make an effort of having them cleaned regularly. Windows act as your secondary eyes to view the world. You want to see and experience all that is happening around you. With just newspapers and vinegar you can clean your windows ridding them of smudge and dirt. Brighten your house and let the light and energy along with it.

In Feng Shui, the bed should be placed in a commanding position which gives you a clear view of the entryway. The headboard should be lined up with the wall and the foot of the bed should not be in line with the door. This strategic placement provides a sense of security where you cannot be surprised when someone enters the room. Switch off the television in the room when not in use. The active energy and electronic aspect of the television may be disruptive to sleep.

Good Feng Shui entails keeping the bathroom as clean as possible with no water droplets on surfaces. The door should remain closed as it raises concerns among different people. The toilet seat should remain down to reduce the negative effect of water loss. Water is related to wealth as such should not be flushed down. Re-use water as much as possible to minimize loss.

Breakages and tears in furniture, clothes and other household items are impediments to good Feng Shui. Drawers that stick, tears in clothes and fabrics as well as clogging drains reflect a sense of brokenness which spells negative energy.

Inhabitants of your home leave an old imprint of negative energy. Regular cleaning of your home welcomes fresh energy by burning out old chi. Clear the clutter of old and out of place stuff. Burn sage and spray fresh orange extract. White sage uplifts mood and fills you with positivity. Add plants in open spaces to filter the air in your home. The peace lily, rubber plant, and Dracaena are excellent air purifiers.

Water represents wealth in Feng Shui. Placing a fountain in the front yard of your home adds in positive energy flow to your home. The water should be flowing towards the center of your home. Place the fountain near your entryway to promote wealth flowing into your life. Create a beautiful garden around the fountain and arrange a few stones around it.


Feng Shui your home with a focus on the trinity of Feng Shui energy that is, the kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom. Strong Feng Shui energies can be improved by better lighting, conserving water and burning out old chi.  Make sure these foundation areas have quality energy and constant flow of positivity. A good Feng Shui home has no Sha Chi or attacking energy and low Si chi or low energy around it.

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