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How to be kind to yourself

How to be kind to yourself, Kindness is one of the most valuable components of life. A lot of individuals agree that kindness is important in society. However, while it is often easier to show our kindness to others, it is not always easy to show self-kindness. We often dismiss the importance of directing kindness to ourselves, which can often lead to self-sabotage.

Our inner voices, though valuable, can cause our downfall. Because of these inner voices, it can be easy to put yourself down and worry about our life choices. During such moments of self-doubt, it is essential to be kind to yourself, because you deserve better.

Avoid negative self-talk

We all have an inner voice; sometimes this voice can be valuable in helping you to assess situations, as well as help you feel motivated. However, this inner voice can also be detrimental to our development as it can be more harmful than it is helpful. Negative self-talk is something that all individuals experience now and again.

It can create significant stress which can wreak havoc on your body, mind, and soul. To be kind to yourself, you must find a way to bring any negative self-talk under control. As a general rule of thumb, if you would not say it to your close friend, then you should avoid saying it to yourself.

Create time for yourself

One of the best ways to be kind to yourself is to create time for yourself so that you can engage in things that bring you joy. It does not matter what you like to do; whether it is drawing, dancing or singing. Giving yourself a little ‘me time’ especially in the wake of hard times can give you the motivation that you need to keep moving forward.

Learn how to forgive yourself

We all make mistakes- that is all part of growing. When you are feeling angry at yourself for mistakes made in the past, it is essential to show yourself kindness. Rather than blame yourself and put yourself down for past errors, remind yourself that you are only human so that you can learn from your mistakes and move on.

Self-forgiveness does not mean shifting blame to someone else. It simply means showing yourself a little kindness or compassion so that you can recognize your humanity. If you can, try and find ways to make amends so that you can avoid repeating the same mistakes over and over.

If you feel you’re struggling with certain issues in your life Jennifer is here to help.


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