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Depression is a spirit

Depression is a spirit even amidst a seemingly successful and happy life, individuals often undergo bouts of depression. Depression can descend on you like a dark and heavy cloud and no matter what you do; sometimes it does not seem to go away. This is because depression, for the most part, is spiritual more than it is mental. 

Nowadays, people tend to assume that depression is a condition that can only be treated through counseling or medication. While this may be true to some extent, there are usually more components at work. Because human beings exist in both body and soul, then it makes sense that depression can stem out of spiritual issues as well.

What is depression?

As human beings, we all go through moments of strife. Today’s contemporary life is always exposing us to undue stress; from challenging relationships, increased levels of competition among individuals and more. As a result, more and more individuals are falling victim to depression.

But not all feelings of sadness point to depression. While we may be sad from time to time, depression takes place when we are unable to lift ourselves from these feelings of torment. When left unchecked, depression can have severe consequences including trouble eating, concentrating on day to day tasks, and even sleeping. In general, depression makes it impossible to live the life that you were always meant to live.

Depression can be brought about by an array of things and life events such as the loss of a job you loved or the death of a close friend or family member. When one is depressed, these feelings can persist for weeks, months or even years. You can tell when you are depressed if:

Depression is a spirit

Several methods can be utilized to treat depression. Therapy, with a spiritual counselor or a licensed therapist, is one of the best ways to handle depression. Psychologists and psychiatrists can also step in to mitigate the effects of depression. Whichever treatment option is utilized, it is essential to remember that treatment for depression is long term and is characterized by good days and bad.

If you feel you’re struggling with certain issues in your life Jennifer is here to help.


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