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balance your Chakras

How to balance your Chakras

There are a lot of chakras in your body but the main ones are 7. In this article we talk about how to balance them and how to make everything work in your body when they are out of balance.

Chakra meditation:

Unless the cause of imbalance has been detected, chakras will suffer from unavoidable imbalance. For this reason, it is very important to engage in chakra meditation to make sure that your chakras are always in balance and are in great shape. The right fit of meditation should involve the feelings that are isolated inside of you.


Affirmations are positive statements that work to restore balance to our chakras. These affirmations help us to feel that we are doers and that the world is full of positive energy. Our chakras go out of balance when there is a lot of negative energy affecting them. For this reason, using positive energy is a key factor in restoring chakras balance.

Balance through massage:

Massaging your body can help in restoring balance to your chakras.  Massage techniques will target different areas in your body.

Color Vibrations:

Because each chakra is associated and affected by a certain color, exposing your chakras to different colors will ensure that some of the lost balance is restored. Different colors will have an effect on our emotions and feelings and will cause a lot of change on the imbalance in our chakras.


Music touches our souls directly and this means that when you listen to music, your chakras get affected. Soothing and relaxing music is essential to restore the lost balance to your chakras. There are a lot of special kinds of music that create special music frequencies and vibrations that have healing powers. Listening to these types of music will help our chakras stay balanced.

Energy healers:

There are some professional energy healers who help to examine one’s energy levels and help to identify the blockage. Next they have special techniques to restore that lost balance to your chakras and to make sure that everything is fine.

Chakra stones:

These are specific crystals that have a lot of special vibrations and colors. These stones will have healing powers and each color will be used to heal the imbalance in a certain chakra. But some stones are more versatile and will restore the balance in more than one chakra.


Yoga will involve redirecting the internal energy flow in your body that leads to chakras imbalance. Through breath and different postures, you will help channel back your positive energy in to the places that will restore balance to your chakras.


When the balance to your chakras is restored, you will see how things change for your body and soul.

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