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Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Element: Water
Ruling planet: Neptune (Jupiter, traditional ruler)
Symbol: The Fish
Personality traits: Compassionate, intuitive, artistic, gentle, and empathetic


Pisces is the twelfth and final sign of the zodiac, and those born under this sign are known for their deep emotional sensitivity and creative nature. As a Water sign, Pisces individuals are highly intuitive and empathetic, often deeply in tune with their own emotions and the feelings of those around them.

Neptune rules Pisceans, making them seen as the dreamers and romantics of the zodiac, drawn to mysticism, arts, music, and creativity.

One of the most notable traits of Pisces is their compassionate and selfless nature. They are natural caretakers and often put the needs of others before their own. Their empathetic abilities allow them to easily connect with others on an emotional level, making them wonderful listeners and sources of support.

Pisces individuals are also highly imaginative and creative, often possessing a rich inner world and a deep appreciation for beauty. They are drawn to artistic pursuits and may excel in fields such as music, writing, or visual arts. Their emotional depth and sensitivity often serve as a wellspring of inspiration for their creative endeavors.


In relationships, Pisces is known for their romantic and idealistic nature. They are deeply devoted and seek profound emotional connections with their partners. However, they may also struggle with boundaries and may be prone to idealizing their partners, which can sometimes lead to disappointment.

Pisces individuals may also grapple with feelings of escapism and a tendency to avoid facing harsh realities. They are highly sensitive to the emotions of others and may absorb negative energies, which can be emotionally draining for them.

Overall, Pisces is a sign that embodies compassion, creativity, and a deep connection to the emotional and spiritual realms. They bring a sense of gentleness and understanding to the world, and their intuitive nature allows them to offer profound insights and support to those around them.
