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The benefits of opening your third eye chakra are truly remarkable. It’s thought to serve as a gateway to spiritual awakening and communication. You can think of it as having a sixth sense that helps you gain more insight, mental clarity, and a sense of bliss.

Not just that, opening your third eye can also improve your concentration, self-expression, and decisiveness, not to mention it strengthens your intuition. Meanwhile, blocked third-eye chakra can lead to troublesome feelings like pessimism, cynicism, uncertainty, confusion, and lack of purpose.

Thankfully, we’ve put together handy techniques and tips on how to open your third eye so that you can experience spiritual enlightenment.

First things first – What’s the third eye?

The third eye is your body’s sixth chakra (aka Ajna). It’s touted as one of the most energetic chakras, which is the gateway to the spiritual world. In a physical sense, it’s nestled between your eyebrows, right in the middle of your forehead. It’s thought to be linked to spiritual communication, awareness, clarity, and perception.

Some have associated the third eye with the pineal gland, which regulates vital fertility hormones and heart health. Read on to learn how to open your third eye and reap these immense spiritual, physical, and mental benefits.

So, How to Open Your Third Eye? Follow These Strategies

– Meditate to activate your sixth chakra

Meditation goes hand in hand with chakra philosophies. It’s a superb way to relax and awaken your basest, most grounded energies. Of course, there are many ways to practice meditation for third-eye activation, but it pays to keep it simple.

Here’s a simple meditation technique that can prove invaluable:

  1. Consider a comfy sitting position with your spine unbent. Sitting on an even floor or in a comfortable chair can suffice.
  2. Shut your eyes and concentrate on your breath.
  3. Start by breathing deeply yet slowly through the nose. It helps to hold it in for a few moments before exhaling slowly via the mouth.

Visualize a white or purple light in the middle of your head while you breathe. Focus your breathing on the light while imagining it becoming brighter and larger. Continue doing so until the purple light fills your entire field of vision.

– How to open your third eye with yoga

Yoga is another beautiful Ayurvedic practice that’s closely related to chakras. As luck would have it, practicing yoga can help open your third eye. Most of them work in tandem with your biological body to open the sixth energy center.

Some of the popular yoga poses for opening the third eye include:

  • The downward-facing dog – You can strengthen and stretch your whole body with the downward-facing dog. To execute this pose, start on your knees and hands, then lift your hips back and up to create a V-shape turned upside down with your body. Breathe deeply before holding the downward-facing dog pose for 30 seconds.
  • Child’s pose – If you’re looking for a third-eye-activating pose that calms your body and mind, opt for the child’s pose. Start this pose on your knees and hands, as well. Next up, stretch your arms outwards in front while sitting back on your heels. Consider resting your forehead on the mat while breathing deeply.
  • Camel pose – This pose involves bending your back to open both your heart and chest. Begin on the knee, leaving around three feet between your hips. Arch your spine by leaning back and placing your hands on your lower back.
  • Bridge pose – Another viable way to open your third eye is to assume the bridge yoga pose. It also involves bending your back, but it can also strengthen your legs and back. Don’t forget to breathe deeply before holding the bridge pose for 30+ seconds.

– Use essential oils

Essential oils are not just calming; they can also help cleanse and open your sixth chakra. This way, the oils provide you with their energizing and protective properties. Not all essential oils are created equal, though.

We highly recommend a healthy dose of jasmine, sandalwood, and lemon oil to open your third eye. These warm essential oils work best when applied in the morning and evening.

We’ve also heard good things about frankincense, myrrh, lavender, and sage. For one thing, sage is well known for its purifying and cleansing attributes. It helps fend off negative energy, making your third-eye-opening easy.

– Place precious crystals on your third eye

A handful of precious crystals emit light and energy that can open your chakras. According to experts, the best option for opening the sixth chakra is amethyst, which helps push away stagnant energy, replacing it with positive energy. Just put a crystal on the spot in the middle of the forehead. It also promotes calm and inner peace.

Sodalite is another fantastic option. The precious crystal fosters internal calm and peace and aligns your energy center. Other benefits include clear self-expression and improved communication. You can also use fluorite and lapis lazuli crystals.

– Improve your diet

Another tip on how to open your third eye is to switch up your diet. The importance of eating healthy is absolute for our health and well-being. You can supplement your diet with chakra-friendly foods like leafy greens (we’re talking about collard greens, kale, and spinach). The same can be said about honey, fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and ginseng.

Remember purple veggies and fruits, such as bananas, eggplant, berries, and grapes. Seeds, nuts, spices, and herbs can help open your third eye. Typical examples include chia seeds, star anise, garlic, and almonds.

If you feel you’re struggling with certain issues in your life Jennifer is here to help.


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