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What is Aura Cleansing? It is often said that we cannot see our own aura or, for that matter, someone else’s. However, our sixth sense, intuition, and inner feelers can tell us when our auras are out of whack. From poor lifestyle choices to stress and unhealthy relationships, many things can dim your aura.

You may feel ungrounded, off, and somewhat unhinged when your aura is off Thankfully, you can do something about it – cleanse your aura!

Today, we’ll present a quick rundown on aura cleansing essentials, including what it is, signs you need it, and how to do it.

Aura Cleansing

Aura Cleansing Defined – What is Aura Cleansing?

Aura cleansing refers to purifying the energy field surrounding a person’s body, also known as the aura. Negative energy can become trapped in the aura, causing discomfort and blocking positive energy flow.

Aura cleansing is thought to help remove this negative energy, allowing for the free flow of positive energy and promoting overall well-being. You can do so through various techniques, such as smudging with herbs, visualization, sound therapy, and energy healing.

Those who practice aura cleansing often believe that it can help with a wide range of issues. It is thought to improve mental clarity, reduce stress and anxiety, enhance intuition, and promote feelings of peace and calm.

When Do You Need Aura Cleansing?

Everyone has an aura, and that’s a beautiful thing. It’s an energy system you can feel or experience around your body through an array of colors that correlate to the chakra network.

This energy field is thought to consist of layers, each representing a different aspect of a person’s spiritual state. You can think of it as a spiritual or emotional bubble surrounding your physical body.

Your aura is dynamic, often changing in response to your environment and how you feel. Luckily, you can easily feel through intuitive senses when something has clouded, stressed, or weakened your aura.

Negative energy can become trapped in the aura, causing discomfort and disrupting the flow of positive energy.

Does something in your space or around feel off? Are you not feeling quite like yourself? Have you soaked up other people’s anger, gloominess, or negativity? If yes, then you’re due for an aura cleansing.

Why Is Aura Cleansing Important?

Here are the top potential benefits of aura cleansing:

  • Improved physical health: Aura cleansing is thought to help remove negative energy from the body, allowing for the free flow of positive energy. It can promote physical well-being and help alleviate certain physical ailments.
  • Reduced stress and anxiety: Negative energy can cause feelings of stress and anxiety. By purifying the aura and allowing for the free flow of positive energy, aura cleansing can help to reduce these negative emotions.
  • Enhanced intuition: The aura is thought to be closely connected to a person’s intuitive abilities. By cleansing the aura, it is believed that one’s intuition can be enhanced, allowing for a deeper connection to your inner guidance.
  • Increased mental clarity: Negative energy can cloud the mind and cause confusion and mental fog. Aura cleansing can help to clear the mind, promoting mental clarity and focus.
  • Improved spiritual connection: The aura is thought to be closely connected to a person’s spiritual state. By purifying the aura, one is believed to improve their connection to their higher self and spiritual path.

How to Cleanse Your Aura

There are many different methods of aura cleansing. Proven methods for aura cleansing include:

  • Smudging: This method involves burning herbs, such as sage or sweetgrass, and wafting the smoke around the body. It is believed that the smoke helps to purify the aura and remove negative energy.
  • Visualization: This method involves using the power of the mind to imagine the aura being cleansed and filled with positive energy. It can be done through guided visualization or simply focusing on the breath and visualizing a bright, white light filling the aura.
  • Sound therapy: This method involves using sounds, such as singing bowls or drumming, to create vibrations that can purify the aura. The vibrations help remove negative energy and promote the flow of positive energy.
  • Energy healing: This method involves working with a trained practitioner to remove negative energy from the aura and promote positive energy flow. The practitioner may use a variety of techniques, such as Reiki, to cleanse the aura.
  • Crystals: Some people believe that certain crystals have unique properties that can help to cleanse the aura. For example, amethyst is thought to have purifying and protective properties, while selenite is believed to have cleansing properties. These crystals can be placed near the body or held during aura cleansing.

Wrapping up …

Remember to choose the method of aura cleansing that resonates with you and approach the practice with a positive attitude. Trusting your intuition and following your inner guidance can also help ensure that you pick the suitable method.

If you feel you’re struggling with certain issues in your life Jennifer is here to help.


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